Participate in our Vanity Fur Activities!
Wine Pull: $30
Mystery Gift: $30
Dog Tags: $20
Buy a Toy for a Shelter Dog: $10
Sponsor a Spay/Neuter: $100
Rescue is hard work, physically, financially, and emotionally. Oftentimes, the dogs that come into our care arrive dirty, hungry, and scared. Sometimes they are hurt or sick. But because of you, our wonderful donors, we can give them the best possible care. Because of you, these dogs get a clean, warm place to sleep, full bellies, and lots of love. They get medical attention and whatever they need to be comfortable and happy. Mamas can birth and raise their babies in peace. Puppies can socialize and play in a fun and safe environment. Families find their perfect match. Deserving dogs find their forever homes. You do that, and we are so very thankful! ♡